Minutes of meeting 2/2/15

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on Monday 02 February 2015

Present: Mr Ormston, Mrs O’Kane, Mrs Bolam, Mr Stripp, Mr Kenny.

1 Apologies for absence: None

2 Minutes of previous meeting 15 December 2014: Examined and approved.

3 Matters arising

Clerk to check whether an answer has been received to the letter about timber routes and chase one up if not.

The council expressed its satisfaction at the fact that the NCC had carried out the necessary maintenance work to the roadside pants and the drainage at Rockey’s hall without any prompting.

Mrs Bolam has replied to the letter from Mr and Mrs Edmondson about the cattle grid outside Holystone Burn Cottage.

4 Finance

Bank balance £1794

5 Planning

Mrs Bolam and Mr Kenny will finalise the response to the NCC Core Strategy plan and circulate it to the other councillors for comment. When everyone is happy, the clerk to forward it to the planning department before the imminent deadline.

6 Commemoration of Haizel Young

The council approved a design for a stone seat near the bus shelter in Sharperton to be constructed by Kevin Milburn at no charge when he has the time.

7 Any other business

Margaret Ranken is retiring as Clerk after the next meeting. Mrs Bolam will speak to Susan Rogerson about filling the post.

Clerk to write a letter to Alan Beith MP, copied to Grant Davey, leader of the council, expressing the council’s dissatisfaction at the lack of progress on the reinstatement of the road following the Cragend landslip and asking whether he can apply any pressure to speed up progress.

The ice on the road at Rockey’s Hall appears to have been cured by the drainage works mentioned above.

The lack of an accessible defibrillator in Harbottle has been raised with councillors. Clerk to write to Harbottle Surgery asking if they would consider having theirs mounted on the wall of the village hall so that it is accessible outside surgery hours.

8 Date of next meeting – March 2nd 2015 7.30pm.

Agenda for meeting 2/3/15 7.30pm

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday March 2nd 2015 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.

1/ Apologies for absence

2/ Minutes of previous meeting 2nd February 2015

3/ Matters arising

4/ Finance

  • Bank balance £1,794

5/ Planning

  • Response to Planning Review

6/ Correspondence

7/ Any other business

  • Appointment of Clerk

8/ Date of next meeting

Minutes of meeting 15 Dec 2014

Minutes of meeting held 15 December 2014

1/ Present: Mrs Bolam, Mr Kenny, Mrs O’Kane, Mr Ormston, Mr Stripp.

2/ Minutes of previous meeting 10.11.14 were approved and signed

3/ Matters arising: None

4/ Finance

The cash book shows a balance of £1,794.

5/ Planning

14/03596/OUT Amani Acre Sharperton; comments have been submitted to NCC. There were particular concerns over the height of any replacement building.

A copy of the new local core strategy was received.

6/ Commemoration of Haizel Young

Mr Stripp had discussed a design with Mac Young and Kevin Milburn who would donate stone and labour respectively, with only the cost of sand and cement falling to the council.

7/ AOB

a) Newly agreed timber transport routes were unsuitable and the clerk should write to NCC

b) Mr Kenny enquired about maintenance of roadside pants. Mungo’s Well at Holystone is maintained by villagers; that above Town Head in Harbottle is neglected now, and Mr Stripp will ask Kevin Milburn to carry out maintenance.

c) Mrs Bolam will respond to an email from Mrs Edmundson complaining about noise from the cattle grid by Holystone Burn.

d) Work to re-open the road at Cragend has ceased. Clerk to write to Grant Davey.

e) Noted that fibre broadband is now available within Harbottle village only.

9/ Next meeting 2 February 2015

Agenda for meeting 2nd Feb 2015

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday February 2nd 2015 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.

1/ Apologies for absence
2/ Minutes of previous meeting 15th December 2014
3/ Matters arising
4/ Finance
    Bank balance £1,794
5/ Planning
    Response to Core Strategy consultation
6/ Commemoration of Haizel Young
    Memorial seat at Sharperton
7/ Any other business
    Appointment of Clerk
    Apparent lack of progress on remedial work at Cragend landslip
    Ice on road and drive at Rockeys Hall
8/ Date of next meeting

Minutes of meeting 10 Nov 2014

1/ Present
Mrs Bolam, Mr Kenny, Mrs O’Kane, Mr Ormston, Mr Stripp.

2/ Minutes of previous meeting 6.10.14 were approved and signed

3/ Matters arising:
Mr Kenny has spoken to Tom Burston who advises contacting Anthony Braithwaite at NE Farming Affairs Network to canvass for local needs. It is suggested we work with Alwinton and Netherton and request a meeting in the new year.
Objections to removal of the phone box in Sharperton have been lodged with NCC.

4/ Finance
It was resolved to make a precept of £980, noting that about £500 might be needed to pay for a memorial for Haizel Young.
The cash book now shows a balance of £1,794.

5/ Planning
The email from NCC planners concerning the local core strategy was noted.

6/ Roads
Road repairs in Harbottle had been carried out with good results, though there is a large drop-off at the edge of the tarmac in places on Rockey’s Hall bank. Ann Dun is organising a letter of thanks from villagers, and the clerk should also write.

7/ Commemoration of Haizel Young
The clerk had opened consultations with property owners adjoining the road verge at Sharperton with a view to erecting a seat there. Mr Stripp will now sketch a design for a seat in stone, discuss it with Mac Young, and get costs from Kevin Milburn with a guide price not exceeding £500.

8/ AOB
Mr Ormston will pass to Margaret Ranken a document concerning NULAG funds which might finance mobile phone signal upgrades.
The clerk to see if Netherton PC wish support in their response to a planning application at Wilkinson Park.
The clerk to draft a letter to be delivered to owners of property in Harbottle whose bushes overhang the pavement,

9/ Next meeting 15 December 2014

Minutes of meeting 6 Oct 2014

1/ Present
Mrs Bolam, Mr Kenny, Mr Ormston, Mr Stripp.
Apologies were received from Mrs O’Kane.

2/ Minutes of previous meeting 1.9.14 were approved and signed

3/ Matters arising: none

4/ Finance
The audited accounts and the external auditor’s report thereon were received.
The bank statement now shows a balance of £1,952.12, the second half precept having been received.
Payment of £40 for audit fees was approved, and a donation of £55 to the Air Ambulance.

5/ Planning
14/02869/FUL and 14/0270/LBC Orangery at Peels: supported
14NP084 extension at Holystone Grange Cottages: supported
14NP085 kennel conversion at Holystone Grange Cottages: no objections
It was noted that Harden Quarry is applying for planning consent for an extension.

6/ Roads
Councillors had met with Highways to obtain better information concerning road repairs and closures planned to start in Harbottle on 27.10.14.
Mr Stripp had joined a visit to the Cragend landslip site, where drainage works are now complete and the contract is due to be awarded very soon, with work completed by August 2015.
Mr Kenny will speak to Tom Burston to see if Pillar II funds can be directed towards transport infrastructure.

7/ Correspondence
Nothing of note.

8/ AOB
It was suggested that a seat to commemorate Haizel Young might be erected on the roadside at Sharperton, the land being part of the common. The clerk to start consultation with adjoining property owners.
BT intends to remove the public call box at Sharperton. The clerk to lodge an objection.

9/ Next meeting 10 November 2014

Minutes of meeting 1 Sept 2014

1/ Present
Mrs Bolam, Mr Ormston, Mr Stripp.
Apologies were received from Mrs O’Kane and Mr Kenny.

2/ Minutes of previous meeting were approved and signed

3/ Matters arising: none

4/ Finance
The bank statement now shows a balance of £1,462.12
Payment of two month’s salary to Margaret Ranken, now withdrawing as clerk, was approved in the sum of £55.
The clerk was asked to arrange a delivery of flowers to thank the internal auditor and to cancel the standing order in favour of Margaret Ranken.
An additional audit fee of £40 has been incurred but not yet invoiced.

5/ Planning
The clerk was asked to write to the planning authority about apparent intended resumption of residential use of the goat shed at the Conifers.
Noted that consent has been granted for solar panels at Ovenstones.

6/ Correspondence
a) A blocking reply has been received from NCC about school transport for 16 to 19 year-olds
b) A joint meeting with NCC is planned for 13 October. To be revisited then.
c) An email offering training had been previously circulated.
d) The clerk was asked to request a meeting to investigate road repair and closure plans

7/ AOB
Councillors appointed Julian Philipson as acting clerk, Margaret Ranken being unable at present to fill the post.
Mrs Bolam asked members to consider what other means could be found to commemorate Haizel Young’s long service on the council.
Mr Stripp asked members to reconsider a message received about a register of potential building sites.

8/ Next meeting 6 October 2014

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on Monday 07 July 201

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on Monday 07 July 2014
Present: Mr Ormston, Mrs O’Kane, Mrs Bolam. Mr Stripp
1 Apologies for absence: Mr Kenny
2 Minutes of previous meeting 09 June 2014: Examined and approved.
3 Matters arising Letter about Post-16 transport to be emailed, so it gets there before Friday’s meeting.
Still no reply to the letter about the Cragend Landslip
Clerk authorised to use special delivery if necessary to get the Annual Return in on time.
4 Finance
Bank balance £1603.49
The council agreed to renew the NALC subscription at £58.87
5 Planning
The Follions Wind Turbine appeal was refused on landscape grounds.
Mrs Bolam to provide the Clerk with an electronic copy of her letter to the planning department
6 Correspondence
The council is disappointed not to be able to donate a tree to Harbottle Castle car park in memory of Haizel Young and will think about an alternative.
Consultation on Local Transport Plan: Clerk to email to say road maintenance is the priority in this parish.
Parish councillor/clerk training: Mr Stripp to circulate a booklet about Parish Council responsibilities.
7 Any other business
8 Date of next meeting – September 1st 2014 7.30pm.

Agenda 1.9.14

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday September 1st 2014 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.


1/ Apologies for absence
2/ Minutes of previous meeting 07/07/14
3/ Matters arising
4/ Finance
• Bank balance
• Audit payment
• Cancel Clerk Standing Order
• Cheque to Clerk for final two months
5/ Planning
• Letter to planning dept
• Ovenstones solar panels approved with conditions
6/ Correspondence
• Reply from Daljit Lally on Post-16 Transport
• Joint meeting with the County Council 13th October
• Parish councillor/clerk training
• Road repairs email Aug 18
• Town and Parish Council Conference Sept 25 email July 9th
7/ Any other business
• Appointment of Clerk
8/ Date of next meeting